Investigation 3: Distance and Velocity Graphs

To find out The relationship between distance-time and velocity-time graphs.

Introduction You have looked at distance and velocity-time graphs separately. Now you will see how they are related.

Activity 6 Predicting Velocity Graphs from Distance Graphs

1. Set up to graph Position and Velocity.   Return to the walking.xmbl file.  Choose Graph from the Insert menu.  Then Auto Arrange from the Page menu.   Change the new graph to Velocity by clicking on the y-axis label. Set up to display Position from 0 to 4 m. Set up the second graph to display Velocity from -1 to 1 m/sec. Clear any previous graphs. Change the Data Collection time to 5 sec.

2. Predict a velocity graph from a distance graph. Carefully study the distance graph shown below and predict the velocity-time graph that would result from the motion. Using a dotted line, sketch your prediction of the corresponding velocity-time graph on the velocity axes.

3. Make the graphs. After each person has sketched a prediction, Collect, and do your group's best to make a distance graph like the one shown below. Walk as smoothly as possible.

When you have made a good duplicate of the distance graph, sketch your actual graph over the existing distance-time graph.

Use a solid line to draw the actual velocity graph on the same graph with your prediction. (Do not erase your prediction).


How would the distance graph be different if you moved faster? Slower? (Q9)



How would the velocity graph be different if you moved faster? Slower? (Q10)



Tools for Scientific Thinking: Motion and Force 9/92 ©1987-92 CSMT Tufts U. These activities have been modified locally: 183LoggerProLab1(Motio).doc

Continue to Activity 7
