Activity 7 Predicting Distance Graphs from Velocity Graphs

1. Predict a distance(position)-time graph from a velocity-time graph. Carefully study the velocity graph below. Using a dotted line, sketch your prediction of the corresponding distance graph on the bottom set of axes. (Assume that you started at the 1-meter mark.)

2. Make the graphs. After each person has sketched a prediction do your group's best to duplicate the top (velocity-time) graph by walking. (Reset Data Collection time 10 sec before you start.)

When you have made a good duplicate of the velocity-time graph, draw your actual result over the existing velocity-time graph.

Use a solid line to draw the actual distance-time graph on the same axes with your prediction. (Do not erase your prediction.)



How can you tell from a velocity-time graph that the moving object has changed direction? (Q13)



What is the velocity at the moment the direction changes? (Q14)



Is it possible to actually move your body (or an object) to make the vertical lines on the velocity graph you were trying to match? Why or why not? (Q15)



Is it possible to actually move your body (or an object) to make vertical lines on a distance-time graph? Why or why not? What would the velocity be for a vertical section of a distance-time graph? (Q16)




How can you tell from a distance-time graph that your motion is steady (motion at a constant velocity)? (Q17



How can you tell from a velocity-time graph that your motion is steady? (Q18)



Tools for Scientific Thinking: Motion and Force 9/92 ©1987-92 CSMT Tufts U. These activities have been modified locally: 183LoggerProLab1(Motio).doc