Activity 5 Matching a Velocity Graph
In this activity, you will move to match a velocity graph shown on the computer screen.
1. Open the file "Velocity Match.xmbl". The velocity graph below will appear on the screen.
2. Move so as to imitate this graph. You may try a number of times. Work as a team and plan your movements. Get the times right. Get the velocities right. Each person should take a turn. Draw in your group's best match on the axes above.
Describe how you moved to match each part of the graph. (Q7)
Is it possible for an object to move so that it produces an absolutely vertical line on a velocity time graph? Explain. (Q8)
Tools for Scientific Thinking: Motion and Force 9/92 ©1987-92 CSMT Tufts U. These activities have been modified locally: 183LoggerProLab1(Motio).doc