Activity 1 Making Distance-Time Graphs

1. Open the Folder "Lab 1" on your desktop and choose the file "walking.xmbl".  (Be sure the Lab Pro is connected to the computer and turned on, and the motion detector is plugged into Dig/Sonic 1.)   Also, the motion detector works better if it is not near the computer or the monitor.  If there is already data on the graph,  go to the Data menu and select Clear All Data.

2. As you copy graphs from the screen, it is OK to ignore single spikes and smooth out little wiggles. 

3. To adjust the distance, reading place the 2-meter stick on the floor in front of the computer; stand at the 2-meter mark on the number line;   have someone click "Collect"; then move the meterstick (and yourself) until the reading is 2 meters.

4. Make distance-time graphs for different walking speeds and directions.




Describe the difference between the graph you made by walking away slowly and the one made by walking away more quickly. (Q1)



Describe the difference between the graph made by walking toward and the one made walking away from the motion detector. (Q2)



Prediction Predict the graph produced when a person starts at the 1-meter mark, walks away from the detector slowly and steadily for 4 seconds, stops for 4 seconds, and then walks toward the detector quickly. Draw your prediction on the left axes using a dotted line.

Compare predictions with the rest of your group. See if you can all agree. Draw your group's prediction on the left hand axes using a solid line. (Do not erase your original prediction.)

5. Do the experiment. Move in the way described and graph your motion. When you are satisfied with your graph, draw your group's final result on the right axes.


Is your prediction the same as the final result? If not, describe how you would move to make a graph that looks like your prediction. (Q3)




Tools for Scientific Thinking: Motion and Force 9/92 ©1987-92 CSMT Tufts U. These activities have been modified locally: 183LoggerProLab1(Motio).doc

Continue to Activity 2
